How to Keep your Kids Entertained in the Car (Besides Using an i-pad)
☜☜☜ P.S.
Whether it’s just for a drive to clear your head, or actually braving it and heading out for a road trip, it seems clear by now that you will be spending some time in the car this summer. (Particularly if you’ve been doing some of the activities I gave you in my last newsletter). Sometimes being in the car is just a good way to tune out, listen to a podcast, music, or just look out the window.
A few years back, a friend told me that time in the car with your children is true quality time. He actually said that a car is a “safe space” for a child. A place where the kids have their parents all to themselves. A place where they can ask many questions, and even take advantage of asking some more difficult questions - without having to make eye contact. Just think back to when you were a child. When your parents drove you to school, what did you talk about? What music did you listen to? I’m sure it will bring up some fun memories.
Long car rides are also a place for some fun activities with your kids. Here are my top picks for passing time and enjoying the car ride together with your kids:
We do this all the time, like almost every time we are in the car! Pick an order and each person selects a song they want to hear. You play it, then move on to the next person and song. You can stick to categories like only old songs, songs from movie soundtracks or only Tik Tok songs. This activity is one in which you can really get creative--in no time you will all be singing & dancing to your own tunes. You can write down the list of songs chosen and call it the soundtrack of that trip—music has an incredible way of rounding out memories.
This is actually a great game and makes for some fun conversations. Once you pick which of the two things you would rather, you can then discuss why. There are so many books to play this, or you can make it up as you go along which is always fun.
If you are bold enough to let your children color in the car, then just make sure to get them a lap desk. If you are scared your child may get dirty I highly recommend the Boogie Board Writing Tablet- There is something truly therapeutic about these. They can draw, erase and recreate a million times, then play tic tac toe or many other games with their siblings!
You can play I spy with my little eye. This helps everyone in the car be present, and notice their surroundings. There’s always something cool and different that we’ve never seen or don’t usually see.
This a great time to call someone who would totally appreciate being passed around the car for a Facetime call or just put them on speaker with the whole crew. Grandparents especially love being taken along for the ride.
We all know how hungry kids can get at all hours of the day. Just come prepared- always have a “snack bag” ready to go. To make it more exciting, have some special snacks that you only designate for eating in the car; that way your kids will look forward to eating these on their trip. Cliff Kids Zbars, Dried Mango, Brothers-ALL Natural Fruit Crisps are some of our favorites.
Also, if it’s an extra long drive, stop at a gas station & buy something extra special that under no other circumstances would you typically buy; that way they will even look forward to these extra long drives.
After the snacks and games It’s important to try to keep the area as neat and organized as possible. I definitely suggest investing in a car garbage can & a small vacuum (the younger ones LOVE to help with this).
If you’re going to plug them in because you’ve checked everything else off the list and you’re still not there, try to make it something they can do together: agreeing on the same movie, for example, is one electronic activity that keeps everyone together and opens up the conversation later.
Whether it’s just you and your kids, or you & your spouse, being in the car is a great time to just have a conversation about anything. You are with each other- communicate!
If you love what you read here but want me to take the guesswork out of getting ready for a road trip or short adventure, I can create a personalized Camp Lisa bag for your car filled with everything you need to get moving and make memories. Just email or DM me!